AlliedOffsets Forecasting Model: Initial Results


AlliedOffsets has developed a forecasting model that allows stakeholders to prognosticate the impact of a range of scenarios on supply, demand, and prices of credits in the years to come.

In the report we review three different scenarios. One scenario presents a fairly pessimistic view of the market, while the other presents a much more optimistic one, and the last one a most likely scenario. The scenarios are meant to illustrate how the model performs under different inputs and the prognostications that can be taken away from the results of the model.

Download the full report here!

Other Reports

5 Learnings About CDR Policy Landscape

In our brand new CDR Policy Report we examine the five key learnings about the current CDR policy landscape.

We explore five key themes shaping the development of CDR governance frameworks and how policy will potentially reclaim the driving seat with new additions to market structure.

Download the full report now!

Credits Bridging Voluntary and Compliance Carbon Markets 

Our new policy report sheds light on the intersection between the voluntary and compliance markets.

In this policy report, we cover:

  • The availability of VCM/Compliance credits
  • Demand and supply trends of compliance-eligible VCM credits
  • The top buyers of compliance-eligible credits
  • Chile’s Green Tax Scheme, Singapore’s carbon tax-eligible credits, and much more!

AlliedOffsets Corporate Buyers Report June 2024

As always our report provides an update on corporate activity in the VCM and the CDR space over the last month.

Our reports enable readers to:

  • Understand which corporates are offsetting with newer vintages, and more expensive credits
  • Identify the most popular projects and sectors from the last month
  • Find out what companies are buying compliance eligible credits
  • Read more about AlliedOffsets methodology and find out how we rate the corporates
  • Get access to buyer case studies

AlliedOffsets CDR Market Update: April 2024 

Our CDR Market Update provides an update on the latest CDR pricing, investment and capacity trends in the market.

The report includes:

  • Wider market trends
  • Pricing overview by time and by methodology
  • Investment overview, including the top methodologies for investment
  • Facility capacity for BECCS, biochar, and DAC.