Pricing & Activity
AlliedOffsets has developed extensive carbon market pricing products including price indices such as the Tradable20 and the AO500. Below, we are also showing a snapshot of some of the pricing data we track.
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Pricing, Retirements & Latest Transactions
The Current AO Price is a weighted average of the price estimates for the top 500 projects whose credits are being retired in the market – an imperfect but necessary way to put a singular number on the price of offsets. The indices below that showcase the weighted average price of credits that match a specific criteria (e.g., projects based in Asia).
VCM Forecasting Model
Future supply is a key metric for the voluntary carbon market (VCM) as it holds relevance for future pricing determination. Our interactive supply model aims to estimate the long term future supply of credits, using price for credits as a key driver for project origination and credit issuance.
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