Voluntary Carbon Market Reports
Explore some of our latests VCM reports below, including regular corporate buyers reports, general market trend reports, forecasting and CDR reports!
VCM & Forecast Reports
Corporate Emissions Data & Findings
In this report, we take an in-depth look at recent corporate emissions data and emerging trends.
We begin with an overview of AlliedOffsets’ Corporate Emissions Data, focusing on developments in Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions over the past three years.
We then continue with insights into our data collection process, highlighting key learnings and outlining our methodology for data gathering and analysis. Following this, we delve into our main findings across Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, examining sector-specific shifts since 2019.
To conclude, we present a table featuring selected companies, showcasing how their Scope emissions have decreased (or increased!) over the last year!
DownloadQuality and Price Trends in the VCM
Projects in the carbon sectors are evaluated against many different quality and integrity metrics. However, the varying standards can make it challenging for companies to find “quality” in the market, as each metric brings its own criteria and definition of quality.
This is where AlliedOffsets’ new Normalized Quality Score tool attempts to bring clarity to buyers in the market. The score provides a normalized score to each project, using twelve different VCM quality metrics, weighted by the preference of users.
In this report we provide you with an overview around what quality metrics are available in the market, and the latest price versus quality trends we’ve identified using this new tool!
DownloadAlliedOffsets Forecasting Model: Initial Results
AlliedOffsets has developed a forecasting model that allows stakeholders to prognosticate the impact of a range of scenarios on supply, demand, and prices of credits in the years to come.
In the report we review three different scenarios. One scenario presents a fairly pessimistic view of the market, while the other presents a much more optimistic one, and the last one a most likely scenario. The scenarios are meant to illustrate how the model performs under different inputs and the prognostications that can be taken away from the results of the model.
Download the full report here!
DownloadCorporate Buyer Reports
December Corporate Buyers Report
December’s buyers report is live!
In November, over 17.4 million credits were retired, which is around the same as last year.
As always in this report, we do a deep dive into the latest buyer trends including retirements by sector, by project developers and projects.
Download the report here!
DownloadAlliedOffsets Corporate Buyers Report
Download the full report here!
DownloadPolicy Reports
Converging Pathways: The Intersection of Article 6 and the VCM
In this report, we provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of key trends and insights shaping the carbon markets. Our focus spans several areas, including the ongoing progress of Article 6.2 cooperative agreements, the latest on Article 6.4 project transitions, and an evaluation of compliance-eligible credits across various schemes like CORSIA and domestic carbon levies. We also go into detail about the growing convergence between voluntary and compliance markets, highlighting the increasing use of VCM credits for regulatory purposes.
Download the full report for more details!
DownloadCredits Bridging Voluntary and Compliance Carbon Markets
Our new policy report sheds light on the intersection between the voluntary and compliance markets.
In this policy report, we cover:
- The availability of VCM/Compliance credits
- Demand and supply trends of compliance-eligible VCM credits
- The top buyers of compliance-eligible credits
- Chile’s Green Tax Scheme, Singapore’s carbon tax-eligible credits, and much more!