The Latest VCM & CDR Policy Updates
Identify compliance eligible credits, country policy scores and top buyers for compliance schemes.
VCM / Compliance Eligibility
We have been analysing the eligibility of carbon credits and their use in compliance schemes, which we believe will greatly interest end buyers and carbon project brokers operating both within compliance markets and the VCM. By assessing qualitative and quantitative limit criteria for each scheme, we can estimate the supply of eligible carbon credits, current prices as well as identify the brokers which end buyers can purchase the credits from.
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The AlliedOffsets Country Scores
The AlliedOffsets Policy Tracker ranks policy landscapes of 36 major credit-issuing countries in the VCM, which equates to about 96% of the market. We score countries against 20 indicators organised across five criteria:
Political Commitment
Evaluates government leadership in supporting VCM policies, voluntary trading, Article 6 implementation, and collaboration with international carbon standards.
Institutional Framework
Assesses infrastructure aiding the market, including national registries, exchanges, and courts, especially in relation to global market mechanisms like CORSIA and Article 6.
Policy Processes
Scores the progress of VCM-friendly laws, private sector involvement, increased climate goals, and government participation in carbon removal projects or policies.
Business Friendliness
Analyses political stability, absence of violence, legal rights, corruption, land tenure security, and adherence to the rule of law within each jurisdiction.
VCM Performance
Examines market performance based on domestic credit demand, credits issued versus generated, government experience in VCM under CDM, and the variety of supported project types in each jurisdiction.