Spotlight on AlliedOffsets: Media Coverage & Citations

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Latest Press Announcements & Coverage

UN attacks companies’ reliance on carbon credits to hit climate targets
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Carbon Removal Industry Reckons With a New Problem — Too Many Startups
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Focus: Amazon sidesteps carbon offset standard Bezos helped fund
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DATA DIVE: Why the VCM might only recover in 2026
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Unambiguous and robust': IETA publishes new guidelines on corporate use of carbon credits
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Carbon credit speculators could lose billions as offsets deemed worthless
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State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets 2024

Authors: The World Bank, 2024

Do all roads lead to Paris? Comparing pathways to net-zero by BP, Shell, Chevron and ExxonMobil

Authors: Gregory Trencher, Mathieu Blondeel & Jusen Asuka

Categories of actors involved in tree planting by multinational corporations based in France, Switzerland and the UK

Authors: Stephanie Mansourian and Daniel Vallauri

Developing FinTech Ecosystems for Voluntary Carbon Markets Through Nature-Based Solutions

Authors: Dharish David, Miyana Yoshino & Joseph Pablo Varun

Carbon offsets and agriculture: Options, obstacles, and opinions

Authors: G. Cornelis van Kooten, Rebecca Zanello

The water-carbon nexus: is it worthwhile to generate carbon credits based on agricultural water management?

Author: Ankit Chandra

AlliedOffsets helps organizations navigate the voluntary carbon market. Get in touch to learn more!