Computer Network

Seamless Carbon Data Integration

Our API allows you to build on the most comprehensive database of carbon offsetting and removal in the world.

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Use Cases

Our API allows you to seamlessly incorporate our complete dataset into your existing infrastructure. Some of our clients use our API for:

Platform Development

Companies build their custom platforms and services on top of our API. By tapping into our wealth of data, users are able to accelerate their development time, make use of our experience and expertise, and focus on their key value-additive differentiators.

Data Integration

Other companies import our VCM data into a wider data pipeline. This allows them to conduct bespoke market- and project-level analysis, understand pricing trends, and create forecasts. Some sell this analysis to their own clients via a data output or custom reports.

Market Monitoring

Our API can be used to create internal tools to help companies monitor the market. One example of this is our own Alerts service, which makes use of the API to flag new projects in the market, latest retirements, fires within project borders, news, and more.


“It’s been so great working with AlliedOffsets. Their willingness to collaborate has really helped us move faster and not waste resources duplicating the effort pulling registry data. Highly recommend AlliedOffsets.”

Melissa Lindsay, Emsurge Founder

How are Emsurge using AlliedOffsets data?

Emsurge, a leading digital intermediary in the VCM, is using our API to provide unique insights into projects for their clients.

In other words, users are able to access data about projects they may be interested in buying or investing in that does not exist in other sources, making the Emsurge platform more compelling and useful.

AlliedOffsets API also allows them to increase the accuracy of the data that their users input about the projects, making the transaction process more efficient and accurate. By ensuring that user-generated data is matched accurately to projects, all users on the platform can be more confident about transacting on the platform.

API & Endpoints

User Green Circle

Endpoint for user authentication. Used to generate access tokens that must be included in request headers to access other endpoints. Can also be used for suspending or reactivating an account, viewing user data, and viewing permissions scopes. User accounts cannot be created or deleted through this endpoint.

Analysis, setting, char in Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing data related to thousands of corporate buyers and their scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Cloud and Tree in Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing a list of project documents and their URLs. Documents have metadata that allows them to be searched by keyword or to display key data tables. This is the endpoint used to power AlliedOffsets Advanced Document Search web application.

File Compressor Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing lists of project alerts, where users may subscribe to different project alerts and receive email notifications. This is the endpoint used to power AlliedOffsets Alerts Dashboard web application.

Three Clouds in Green circle with dark border

Endpoint for accessing information on current and past news articles regarding the carbon offsetting market. Can be filtered by registry and by industry specific initiatives.

Monitor Green Circle, database

Endpoint for accessing all carbon offset project data including general project information, prices, status history and registry information.

Envelope Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing carbon credit data for each relevant project that has reported this to a registry.

Research paper Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing data related to CDR buyers and suppliers. This includes paginated endpoints with filtering to get specific supplier and buyer data, as well as export endpoints to return all supplier or buyer data in one API request.

File Transform Green Circle

Endpoint for accessing information on database updates. Allows retrieval of all projects that have been added or removed since the last update, all new retirements since the last update, all project status changes since the last update, and all transactions that have been added or removed since the last update.

Page Green Circle

Endpoint for bulk data exports. Allows exporting of all data relating to projects, credits, project prices, or corporate buyers in one API request.