Conduct Searches on Thousands of PDDs
AlliedOffsets advanced document search tool is used to search for specific information or data from project design documents

Specialized Data Extraction
AI Document Reader (AIDER) is a powerful tool built to streamline and enhance the process of searching for specific projects and data within documents. The ideal use case is for specialized data extraction. Instead of manually searching through hundreds of documents (PDDs, verification reports, monitoring reports, and others) to pick out valuable data, AIDER uses the latest AI technology to extract the data in a fast, scalable, and accurate manner.
AI Document Reader (AIDER): Use Cases

Search for Projects
AIDER allows users to search for specific projects and project information by employing various search parameters. By inputting relevant keywords, users can quickly identify projects that match their specific criteria, making it easier to find the information needed.

Search for Data in Tables
AIDER provides the ability to search for data within tables. This feature is particularly useful when seeking specific information within structured data sets, enabling users to locate the exact data points required.

Keyword Search
AIDER supports keyword-based searches, enabling users to input specific terms or phrases related to their search requirements. This feature ensures a flexible and intuitive search experience, allowing users to tailor their queries and obtain precise results.

Filter Search by Criteria
AIDER allows users to further refine their search results by applying filters based on specific criteria. Users can filter projects by country, sector, and registry, enabling them to narrow down their search to specific regions, industries, or registries of interest.